Conor Polianites
The Greatest Owl
About Conor P
Conor P was a gentleman of the highest order. He was not only intelligent, humble, humorous, and kind, but also a man of many crafts, talents, and unique skills. His athletic prowess ranged from Skateboarding-to-Baseball and beyond, but no matter the activity, if Conor took interest to it, he would commit himself to apply an unwavering focus and relentless effort to master the activity at hand. He was a true craftsman. His love for sport seemed to be based purely on the pursuit of mastering oneself.
Conor's competitive spirit is to be emulated by all, for his concern was never about beating someone else for bragging rights, but rather, to him, the paramount importance was to engage in a constant pursuit of self-mastery through self-competition.
Though Conor was a formidable athlete, his most impressive feature and strongest asset, was certainly his unique mind. He was sharp as a tack, in fact, so razor sharp that he could solve a Rubik's Cube in just 34 Seconds. His mental acuity was on display every second spent with Conor, as he possessed the unique ability to generate original and humorous banter with seemingly no effort. He routinely would make strangers howl with laughter, and countless times he brought his closest friends to tears from uncontrollable laughter. The fact the world lost such an original mind, with so much future in front of him, is an absolute tragedy. But let us not dwell on what we cannot change, but rather let us focus on the incredible qualities of Conor P and channel the same laser-focus vision and relentless work ethic Conor brought to life, each and every day.

2023 Polianites Cup
To commemorate Conor, please join us for the 1st Annual Polianites Cup at Ginn Field in Winchester, MA.
American Kidney Fund
Conor Polianites was a beloved family member, friend, teammate, and gentleman. On May 10, 2023, Conor passed away unexpectedly, but despite the tragic loss, we take solace in knowing that his kidneys were donated to save the lives of two. To pay tribute to Conor, The Winchester Gentlemen's Club is hosting a softball tournament on August 20, 2023, where we will be engaging in recreational fun while encouraging event attendees to become organ donors, as well as raise money for the American Kidney Fund, and other causes that Conor loved. Conor was a remarkable human whose spirit will live forever. We hope you can help us with our goal of raising $5,000 for the American Kidney Fund.
More information about American Kidney Fund:
No kidney organization touches more people directly, wherever they are in their journey with kidney disease, from prevention through transplant. 97 cents of every donated dollar makes a difference. The American Kidney Fund (AKF) fights kidney disease on all fronts, with programs that support early detection, disease management, innovation and clinical research, advocacy, and financial assistance. AKF provides financial assistance that helps out 1 out of every 6 U.S. dialysis patients access health care.